A short video demonstration of our new in-house designed Drop & Lock system in action, speeding up the leg levelling system in seconds.
Here we have one of our fantastic customers in France demonstrating how easy it is to take a HUGE heavy rig from storage to site while traversing holes as well as lumps and bumps across gravel and grass.
This video also showcases the exemplary respect it takes to move such expensive kit around, too.
Thank you, Patrice and Flo, for this fantastic demonstration video of your route. Clear skies.
Load capacity testing.
Here at ATT we want to show you we are committed to the quality and integrity of our products.
The investment from yourselves in your astro gear means you need to be sure your kit is safe during transit.
That’s why we have had all the frames from our range of models professionally load tested to over 1048kg (2310lbs).
Why 1048kg ? Because we stopped the testing process when we reached the 3mm deflection limit of our box section, which ensured any flexure would return the frame to an undamaged state.
We then continued our testing to prove the wheels, axles and head bearings were also up to the task.
All our TRUK’s use 10” pneumatic wheels that at 30psi can easily handle 500kg which is the manoeuvrable limit of our TRUK’s on smooth going, but even in this demo video we show that even a small gradient when approached at a perpendicular direction that 500kg is still achievable, even if of course totally unnecessary, but fun nonetheless to show the incredible strength of professionally designed and fabricated gear.
At one point, even one hand was enough to move the half tonne weight.
This testing proved that all our TRUK’’s truly are TUFF !
All video background music kindly supplied by www.bensound.com